16th Oct 2022

29th    Sunday in Ordinary Time.

“Jesus urges us to pray continually and never lose heart.”



Sat. Oct 15th  8pm            Elizabeth and Patrick Ryan, Ballyquinlivan Lower,

     their daughter Anne Reddan, Borrisokane, and deceased family members. 


Sat. Oct 22nd  8pm           Michael and Tess O’Donoghue, Greenlane.              



Sun.  Oct 16th    9.30am        Matt Fogarty, Drominagh,

                           Fr. Billy Leenane, Newlawn and Holly Leenane, Newlawn.



Envelopes still welcome for the October Priests Collection.


KILBARRON NEW CEMETERY All outstanding maintenance fees are now due.  Payment to Tess O’Meara, Dermot Costello, Joe Slattery.


October is the month of our Lady: We are invited to say the Rosary each day or have a little altar to Our Lady at home. Mary Mother of God, Pray for us.


Mission Sunday is 23rd October: next weekend we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. “You shall be my witnesses”

the link https://youtu.be/iVegzDGMzQc has a nice short analysis of Mission Sunday 2022 produced locally.  World Mission Sunday brings the entire global Church together in support of mission. Our Church is a global community. We depend on one another, on our shared prayer and solidarity.  Here in Ireland, we have a great tradition of supporting Missionaries – it is part of being Christian.  We all have an opportunity to contribute via our envelope collection next weekend, click on the Donate section on the website www.missio.ie or donate €4 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300.

Through your generosity, the next generation of missionaries are educated.


Recruiting Parish Pastoral Council

Nomination Forms are still available in both churches.  We thank those of you who have returned completed nomination forms and we would ask that all nomination forms be returned by Sunday 16th October.  You have the opportunity to nominate yourself or another person.  Please place your completed Nomination Forms in the boxes provided at church entrances

Pastoral council will be contacting people who have been nominated.


Borrisokane Community College Parents Association are holding a Table Quiz in BCC Sports hall on Thurs 27th of Oct at 7:30pm. Cost per adult table is €40; cost per student table is €20.


CLOTHES COLLECTION – Kilbarron N.S. Parents Association will collect used clothing in good clean dry condition, i.e., men’s, ladies and children’s clothing, paired shoes, belts, hats, handbags and soft toys.  Collection point in Kilbarron car-park on Sat Oct 29th  from 10.30am to 1pm.



Maintenance fees for 2022 are now due in advance of the AGM.  They should be forwarded to John Mulvihill, at the earliest convenience.  Please contact 087 2185833,or terryglasscemetery@gmail.com with any queries.



Our lotto took place this week – 10th  October 2022 @ 9pm.

Jackpot: €6,600    Numbers:  19 – 21 – 32  – 33  Next Week’s Jackpot: € 6,700

No Jackpot Winner   Lucky Dip Winners  Gerry O’Rourke, Tom Fox, Lauren Mulvihill, Noelle Hourigan and Andrew Byrne.  Thank you for playing our lotto.       PLAY ONLINE https://bit.ly/3vnHxmN


Aim as high as you can.  Don’t let anything limit your faith.



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