29th Sunday of Year We are competitors yet ultimately servants of one another.
Sat. Oct 16th 8pm Eilzabeth and Patrick Ryan, Ballyquinlivan and deceased
family members.
Sun. Oct. 17th 9.30am Helen Hogan, Shannon Lane – Months Mind.
Holly Leenane, Newlawn.
Sun. Oct 24th 9.30am Tom and Bridget Fox, Terryglass
The October Priest Collection envelopes are still welcome. We thank you for your continued support in these difficult times.
October month of our Lady
We are invited to say the Rosary each day or have a little altar to Our Lady.
Milford Hospice Coffee Morning Thanks
Bridie O Meara and friends in conjunction with De Roistes in Ballinderry would like to thank all who helped out on the recent Coffee Morning which raised a total of €2165 for Milford Hospice.
Mission Sunday 24th October It is Pope Francis’ annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. This appeal takes place in every single parish worldwide where the church is present. This year’s message “we cannot remain silent, we cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20) is twofold. 1. It is a message of Hope. Jesus Christ is risen and we cannot keep his love, compassion and mercy to ourselves. 2. It also challenges us to stand up and speak out on behalf of those whose voices are too small to be heard. For them we cannot remain silent. We ask you to support the special Mission Sunday Collection that will take place at all masses throughout the world next weekend. Thank you in advance of your support for missionaries.
Enrolment Forms for Sacraments 2022
This Tuesday 19th Oct. 7.30pm. Zoom meeting for parents of First Holy Communion and Confirmation children 2022. Speaker: Julieann Moran who has a broad experience of reflecting with parents/ children.
Parents / Guardians, please check your email for the link to the zoom meeting.
KILBARRON DRAMA GROUP meeting in the Old School Hall on Thursday Oct. 28th at 8.30pm to plan for next year’s production. New members always welcome. Margaret o’Brien.
FREE SMART PHONE COURSE The Enterprise Training Board in conjunction with Terryglass Community Hall will be running a series of free adult education courses. The first commencing the end of October will be “Get To Grips With Your Smartphone” designed to assist those who are new to SmartPhones and want to learn to use it safely Attendance will require producing a Covid Certificate in line with Government Policy and limited at present to 6 persons over 18 per session. Contact Robert Foyle on 0879196412 or Ester Mackey on 087 0626937 for details of Registration.
Mission Prayer 2021
God, our loving Father,
You sent your Son into the world to proclaim
the Good News of Salvation to all:
to sinners, the poor, oppressed, the sick, the abandoned and neglected.
May the Holy Spirit empower us to be proclaimers
of the Good News to our brothers and sisters.
May the Blessed Mother, the Star of Evangelization, accompany us
and pray for us as we live and share our faith with others.