From a meeting initiated by the Borrisokane Community Forum on 9th February last, a number of initiatives were formalised to attempt to re-generate Borrisokane as a vibrant town in North Tipperary.
One such initiative, is to create a community radio station, based in Borrisokane, but serving all of Lower Ormond. From a series of meetings in the interim, a Public Meeting of all interested parties is to be held this Wednesday 21st in Methodist Hall at 7.00pm (see attachment).
It would be great to see you, or a representative from your organisation at the meeting, but we recognise that at this late stage, that that may not be possible. However, we would appreciate if you were to bring this topic to the attention of your organisation, who may wish to consider having airtime on a dedicated programme of interest to your group and also a wider community.
We would also welcome receiving the support of your organisation should the outcome from the Public Meeting endorse our endeavour to proceed in making an application to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland for a Community Radio Licence.