Sept 8th 2024

23rd  Sunday of Ordinary Time                                              8th  September 2024


Praise to you O lord for simple surprises in my life!”





Sat.  Sept 14th  8pm              Mary Stack, Killea, Joan Hogan, Cornalack.



Sun.  Sept.  8th  9.30am       Aileen Cahalan, Curnamult,

                        Louis Starr, Garryard and his parents Eileen & Willie Starr.

Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Breeda Fogarty, Annagh, who died recently.



We welcome Mya Valerie Bourke into our Christian Community.

Parents of First Holy Communion and Confirmation children 2025 are invited to a meeting in Borrisokane Community Centre, Birr Road. on Thurs.12th Sept. 8pm for 1st holy communion and on Thurs.19th Sept. 8pm for confirmation.  


INVITATION TO VOLUNTEER FOR THE MINISTRIES OF PASTORAL CARE AND CATECHESIS Information evening Mon.16th Sept. 7.30pm in Pastoral Ctr. Nenagh.  Bishop Fintan will be present to formally launch this programme of training and formation.

RELICS OF ST BERNADETTE: The relic of St. Bernadette of Lourdes will come to Our Lady of Lourdes church, Silvermines on Tues. Sept 10th with the following schedule for the visit :

Tuesday 10th Sept.  12 noon Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

3pm. :  Reception of the relics into Our Lady of Lourdes church, Silvermines

3.30pm : Veneration of the Relics 

6.00pm : The Rosary, Veneration continues. 

8.00pm : Concelebrated Mass  (after Mass, Marian Torchlight Procession around the village)            10.00pm : Night prayer after which Church closes.

Wednesday 11th Sept.

8.00am :  Church opens for Veneration

10.00am : Farewell Mass.  Veneration after Mass

12.00noon  :  The Relics leave the Church for Limerick Diocese.

More information – see

Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice – Bridie O Meara and friends will be hosting their Annual Coffee Morning in aid of Milford Hospice on Thursday 26th  of September at Bridies house in Ballinderry from 10am to 4pm.  Come and enjoy a Tea or Coffee and support the wonderful people of Milford Hospice who continue to do excellent work.


TERRYGLASS COMMUNITY HALL CAKE SALE  Terryglass Hall Committee will hold a Cake Sale & Raffle on Sunday September 29th, in Terryglass Hall at 10am. Your support would be greatly appreciated. 



Our lotto took place this week  2nd Sept 2024 @ 9pm.

Jackpot: €15,000    Numbers:  2- 10 -25 – 30.  No Jackpot Winner

Lucky Dip: Lisa & James Mulvihill, John & Debbie Haugh, Willie Cleary, James O’Sullivan.  Thank you for playing our lotto.


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